Thursday, June 24, 2010

Poor Girl

I picked up Chicago on Tuesday morning. One of the first things she did was vomit. Understandable, she got cut open the day before. She was also moving slowly. She didn't eat alot for dinner that night. A little slow eating on Wed. also. Wed. night vomited again and 4 times this morning so off the vet. She had a slight fever so I left her there for the day. She is back at home and has eaten 1/4 of a can of special food and licked a couple spoonfuls of yogurt. Even tho she isn't really eating she seems to be a little food aggressive with Maggie, no problem with me, I actually was spoon feeding her, she better not get used to that :D
I was told she was the kennel pet. I really have no idea what her personality is or is going to be like because she is not feeling well. She loves the belly rubs tho. When she is laying down and you go anywhere near her the back leg goes up. She goes to the back door when she needs to go out and had one accident at the back door which was my fault because I forgot to let her go before I brought her into the house after the vet and she was standing at the door but I wasnt paying enough attention. Hopefully after she gets a little more food in her and the meds kick in she will perk up and I will have a better report next time.

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