Saturday, July 10, 2010

A Doggie Tail

She has a permant curl in her tail. We feed her in the crate and her tail is always up and thru the top of the crate. She isn't scared of anything which is a good thing because with that curl I don't think she could tuck her tail even if she wanted to. She loves the tummy rubs and attention but doesn't come too often for loving. She is content to wait for us to come to her. She also still hasn't adapted to taking treats from hand, we have to drop them before she will take anything. She loves her food and gets really bouncy at mealtime. She also gets excited when getting out of her crate. She was sleeping thru the night in her crate for about 2 1/2 weeks then decided that she wanted to sleep in our room with the other dogs and she is doing fine with that. She walks great on the leash. We only have three steps which she prefers to do in one leap on the way up. She doesn't seem to have a strong prey drive, she'll run if she sees another creature in the yard but doesn't dwell on it once it is gone.
She is the only dog that gets crated and seems to be a little possessive of her space when she is in the crate and also possessive of stuffies when she is playing with them. She has a big blue stuffed dog that she loves and actually hugs. She is also learning how to play with the other dogs. No accidents in the house and even will walk to the door and scratch at it to go out. She also has learned how to roach now that she is using the doggie beds. She's a very easy dog and will make a wonderful pet for her forever family.